
Diablo 2 missing a quest in act 3
Diablo 2 missing a quest in act 3

diablo 2 missing a quest in act 3

Once night screams echoed up the stairwells from the Harem. Lord Jerhyn tells you that when the troubles began he allowed the terrified Harem guilds to join him within the safety of the palace. Drognan instructs you to talk to Lord Jerhyn who may know of a secret entrance or the like.

diablo 2 missing a quest in act 3

If you could find Horazon's Sanctuary, Drognan is sure it will hold some clue as to the Tomb's location. He was a powerful spellcaster and kept demons as slaves within the Sanctuary. The great Vizjerei Summoner, Horazon, built his Arcane Sanctuary somewhere around here. Though he has not found the Tomb itself, he has a good lead for you. (Given by Drognan and Lord Jerhyn after The Seven Tombs quest is activated)ĭrognan has been researching the old records, trying to find the location of Tal Rasha's Tomb.

Diablo 2 missing a quest in act 3