
Autodesk sketchbook editing
Autodesk sketchbook editing

If the editor isn’t open, in the toolbar along the top, tap and select Layer Editor. The Layer Editor in SketchBook Pro Windows 10 If you're on a handheld device using SketchBook v.4.0 or above, tap to access the Layer Editor. You can treat the strong stabilizer as a kind of a Sketchbook Pro pen tool Second, the Predictive Stroke function predicts what shape you're trying to draw, and attempts to make it more accurate. To open the editor: If you are on a tablet, the Layer Editor is visible by default, along the right of your screen. 1 - a line without the stabilizer, 2 - a line with a subtle stabilizer, 3 - a line with a strong stabilizer. The Layer Editor in SketchBook Pro Mobile

  • From the menu bar, select Window > Layer Editor.
  • You will need to open the editor to access the layers and layer tools. The Layer Editor in SketchBook Pro Desktop The Background layer can also be used to change the background color of your image. When hidden (tap to hide it), this creates an alpha channel.

    autodesk sketchbook editing autodesk sketchbook editing

    The Background layer is at the bottom of the Layer Editor. When something is not available in a version, it will be noted as such. Everyone loves Sketchbook for its elegant interface and natural drawing experience, free of distractions so you can focus on capturing and expressing your ideas. The version of SketchBook you are using will determine the tools available.

    autodesk sketchbook editing

    There are blending modes, opacity controls, layer transparency toggles, plus typical editing tools, and a default background layer that can be hidden to create an alpha channel or used to set the over-all background color of your image. You can add, delete, rearrange, group, and even hide layers. The Layer Editor contains all your layers and layer tools.

    Autodesk sketchbook editing